
Stoic Street Smarts

Teaching hard lessons from the hurt business

Teaching what I've learned from the hood, the ring, and everything in between. Join 35k other readers to learn how to manage risk, build relationships, and confront reality.

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Can you ever *really* recover from addiction?

Watch today's newsletter. Or, just like, leave a comment and share with someone who'd benefit from this message. December 23rd, 2023 marked ten years of sobriety for me. I haven't felt the urge to drink in quite a long time. I can sit in a bar with the smell of booze and feel nothing at its strongest pull. But most of the time, I feel a combination of mild disgust and gratitude. Me before getting sober I wrote a book to help if you're struggling with drinking. Learn more here. The disgust...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Today's newsletter at a glance The 70% rule states that if you have 70% of what you need to succeed, execute the plan. Preparation is important, but at some point, you must take action to avoid missed opportunities. The remaining 30% is where adaptation, improvisation, and creativity come into play. Find your personal 70% level of readiness by asking yourself key questions about worry, focus, and preparedness. Before getting into today's newsletter, I have some program updates and questions....

about 2 months ago • 7 min read

Today's newsletter covers the idea of personal leadership. Many people only think of leadership in terms of directing others, but today, I give you the four components of leading yourself along with personal examples. Good morning! Updates and news for the week. I continue to find new uses for AI as a writer, speaker, and all-around content creator. This week, I used it to GREATLY reduce the time required to fill out applications for speaking jobs. I also used it to help me streamline the...

about 2 months ago • 8 min read

Today's newsletter was motivated by a post on Facebook promoting the idea that life is all about pleasure, fun, and good feelings. If you've been reading me for a while, you know that I disagree. While I don't think life should be full of suffering, I know the most valuable and fulfilling parts of life are found on the other side of pain and challenge. Before digging into the newsletter, I must tell everyone that the first AI Content Creator Accelerator was a big success. It all went great...

2 months ago • 8 min read

I've figured out how to be a happy person despite dealing with setbacks. In today's newsletter, learn how to increase your happiness or get it back if you've been knocked down. But first, the news and a word from today's sponsor... In the news for this week, March 1st starts the 5-day cohort/challenge I'm running to teach my method for quickly creating natural-sounding, highly engaging, content for multiple platforms using AI. While I'll teach a few prompts, the cohort is specifically...

3 months ago • 4 min read

Summary and updates In this issue of the Stoic Street Smarts Chronicle, I discuss the nature of luck, how to get more of the good kind, and most often overlooked, how to get less of the bad kind. I've also opened up my Stoic Book Notes Club. It's a hybrid of a book club and book summaries. In the Stoic Book Notes Club, I've archived the complete notes for the books I've read and will continually update the notes I take on the current read (Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins). The books I'm...

3 months ago • 4 min read

Today's newsletter is about the experiences and insights I've made on what makes a strong, happy relationship. My readers are a mix—some of you have 20-year+ marriages. Others are single. I don't claim to be an expert. I just know what's worked for over the past 11 years. No matter where you are, there's some value for you. Before we get to that, a brief announcement in the form of today's "sponsor" Write Your Way To 5k is a month-long online summit for people who want to learn how to make a...

4 months ago • 3 min read

I dug into my stats and discovered that the newsletter page has an abysmal conversion rate. I am working on cleaning that up, but I got inspired to dig deeper into growing my newsletter by reading the Growth In Reverse newsletter. The author does a deep dive into different tactics newsletters use to grow, and the information should not be free. But it is, and you can tell she's having fun doing it. Check it out. Also, if you've enjoyed my writing/newsletter, I'd love it if you sent a message...

4 months ago • 3 min read

Stoic Street-Smarts Before we get into today's newsletter, I want to let you know that I'm finalizing my next class, "Podguesting to Profits." In this class, I'll show you how to get booked on podcasts to grow your audience and increase your dollars—without hiring a PR firm or wasting time. Learn more here. Happy New Year!! Yes, I know a week has passed, but this is the first newsletter I've sent out of 2024 (unless you've been getting my emails to the cold subscribers), so I get to wish...

4 months ago • 5 min read

Everyone does these types of posts to round out the end of the year. Therefore, if you decide to skip mine or leave the list, I understand. Here's the abridged version: Restrictions and limitations create better results You can accomplish more working with others Know your strengths and play to them accordingly With that said, if you’ve been here for a while, then you know I try to give original insights, perspectives, and *actionable* takeaways. I’m not just going to tell you what I learned...

4 months ago • 5 min read
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