Free guide on socializing and dating without booze

Most people have no idea how to socialize without the aid of alcohol and have fun sober. I've been having fun sober since 12/23/13. In this guide, I teach you how it's done.

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    How to enjoy activities without drinking

    Leaving the bar scene is not enough. You must do things that will take you to new environments and have an awesome experience without a single drop of booze.

    Learn the truth about the alcohol industry

    Advertisements always show people looking happy, celebrating with friends, or living a high-end lifestyle while drinking premium vodka. But they don’t show you the hangovers, vomit, financial ruin, regrets, and fights

    See why sobriety is the ultimate hack for a lasting relationship

    Dates that don’t involve alcohol also function as a filter. They eliminate people who aren’t serious and might be looking for easy sex or a free drinker.